Baker’s Park
The Baker’s Park Trail System will propel Silverton forward as a world class mountain biking destination WITH nearly 30 miles of singletrack THAT OFFERs experiences for ALL SKILL LEVELS, fosters community involvement, preservEs open space, and bolsters the local economy.
Project background
Nestled at 9,318 feet above sea level in the heart of Colorado’s rugged San Juan Mountains, Silverton is a quaint and historic former mining town that is transforming into a nexus of outdoor adventure. Silverton is the only incorporated town in all of San Juan County, which has the highest mean elevation of any county in the U.S. at 11,240 feet. San Juan County encompasses 389 square miles, 89% of which is public land, and enjoys easy access to the recreational amenities of the Four Corners Region and desert Southwest.
In spite of its incredible potential as a mountain biking destination, Silverton remains decades behind the curve. BLM lands in San Juan County currently have fewer than 10 miles of trails that are open to mountain bikes. The routes that do exist are mostly unmaintained mining roads and historic pack mule trails which are steep, highly technical, and prone to washouts. The majority of these trails are rideable only by advanced and expert mountain bikers. Baker’s Park promises a well-rounded experience for riders of all skill levels that will minimize resource damage, reduce user conflict, and enhance the community’s economy and quality of life.
Dubbed Baker’s Park in a nod to Charles Baker, a prospector who discovered gold in the area in 1860, the concept plan for Baker’s Park was funded by San Juan County and developed by SSS and the International Mountain Biking Association’s Trail Solutions group in 2018-2019. The plan maps out approximately 30 miles of new shared use, bike optimized singletrack trails on BLM lands directly adjacent to Silverton. Baker’s Park will accommodate both traditional mountain bikes and class 1 ebikes, a boon for visitors struggling with the thin mountain air. The final design will include options for all users, from hikers to trail runners and beginner to advanced riders, and will incorporate stunning vistas, manageable climbs and thrilling descents.
Baker’s Park was approved by the Town of Silverton and San Juan County as part of the 2019 Silverton Area Trails Plan, and by the BLM in their 2020 Travel Management Plan. BLM clearances were received for the first 10 miles of trail in Spring 2022 and ground was officially broken in July 2023. Crews roughed-in 19,524 linear feet (3.69 miles)of trail in this first season. Trail construction resumed in July 2024 with a goal to complete a 7 mile beginner/intermediate loop by October 2024. This as-yet unnamed trail is scheduled for a soft opening on October 19, 2024.
Help Make Baker’s Park A Reality
Your donation to our GoFundMe campaign will help us take the Baker’s Park plan from vision to reality! The goal of this fundraising campaign is to raise $50,000 from individuals, which will be used to match grants, cover planning and construction costs, and fund future maintenance of the Baker’s Park Trail System. You can support this effort by donating at the link below, or if you prefer to give by check please mail your gift to Silverton Singletrack Society, PO Box 472, Silverton CO 81433 and write “Baker’s Park” in the memo. If your business would like to make a contribution to Baker’s Park, please contact us for sponsorship details. Thanks in advance for your generosity, and together let’s bring Baker’s Park to life!
Read the full Baker’s Park Concept Plan and Phase One Design Brief, developed by the International Mountain Biking Association’s Trail Solutions Group for Silverton Singletrack Society
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