Boulder Gulch Workday, Saturday July 18th
Join us to work on the Boulder Gulch trail on Saturday, July 18th. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic you MUST RSVP by 5 pm Thursday July 16th to participate. Masks will be required, and we will be taking your temperature with a touch less thermometer. If you have any COVID related symptoms (fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell, etc.), please stay home. We’ll meet at Pedal The Peaks, 906 Greene Street, at 9 am. Tools will be provided. Bring work gloves, hiking boots, lunch (we will be taking a lunch break on the trail), water, layers of clothing (maybe rain gear?), hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a backpack. We will be walking up from Velocity Basin and down the Boulder Gulch trail. Cold refreshments and physically distanced pizza party to follow at Pedal the Peaks. Email to RSVP and join the discussion on our new Facebook Group if you have questions: