Ground Has Been Broken!

All photos by Sarah Wendlandt / Cracked Compass Photography

Woohoo! We did it! Thanks to everyone that came out and celebrated with us!

SSS board members finally putting shovels in the dirt.

When you are the Mayor and you own a Pennyfarthing, of course you ride it for this occasion.

Behold, the golden shovels!

Mayor Shane Fuhrman accepting the golden shovel for the Town of Silverton.

Megan Mast accepting the golden shovel for the BLM.

Neighboring property owner Brian Belleau is thanked for giving an easement though the corner of his property next to Baker’s Park.

Lisa Branner has donated endless hours working on fundraising for Baker’s Park.

Joey Klein receives the golden shovel for the International Mountain Bicycling Association.

Estrella Woods accepts the golden shovel for Great Outdoors Colorado.

Richard Brown gets the Southwest Conservation Corps shovel.

SSS attorney Anthony Edwards is honored for his efforts for Baker's Park.

Team IMBA Trail Solutions: Joey, Diddy, Tylor, Josh, and Leah.

County Commissioner Austin Lashley and SSS Board President Klem Branner

Oh yeah!


Hard Work. Connections. Persistence.


You're Invited - Baker's Park Groundbreaking!